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this workshop page will be available until 10/26

Go into 2023 confidently with a vision that will engage everyone on your team.

Healthy organizations are filled with people who are focused on a common destination. Equip yourself with extra tools in your toolbelt to effectively engage the whole team as you share the 2023 vision.


In this workshop, we will explore some best practices for the preparation, presentation and follow through for a successful vision cast.


Walk away with fresh ideas, new perspectives, and clarity on how to unify your team by sharing a clear vision.


Presented by Kristine,
CEO & Workforce innovator, AccoMPany SUITE 

Watch the workshop below!

download your free resources

10-Year Letter

Write a letter to a close friend or family member. Date it ten years from today. Assume that everything has gone according to your dreams and wishes. Give a summary of the ten years going back to today and be specific.

Vision Cast Timeline

This is a date calculator that you can enter the date you want to vision cast and it will calculate due dates for all the preparation steps in 2-month and 3-month examples.

Presentation Slides

Download the workshop PowerPoint slides to reference going forward!

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30-minute consultation

with kristine

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